Tuesday, January 4, 2011

UFO pictures

OK, I'm not a super photographer.  That said, here are pictures of the projects I'm including in the UFO challenge for 2011.  Will I get them all done?  Not a chance.  Can I finish a dozen?  Maybe.

Here's a list, in no particular order
1    Liz Turner Diehl, Miniature Persian Rug (Jewel Tone version)
2    Amaryllis Artwords/Denise Harrington Pratt - A Treasure for Linda
3    The Apple Tree from Threaded Treasures/Joann Pfeifer Montgomery
4    XOctagon #7, Terry Gifford/Kick Back & Stitch
5    Textile Heritage Collection, Ancient Thistle bookmark
6    Little House Needleworks, Scripture series, Faith
7    Just Nan, Keep a Little Secret
8    Mill Hill, Holiday Series 1, Winter Wonderland
9    Mill Hill, Holiday Series X, Noel Angel
10    Calico Crossroads, Star Spangled Scissor Finder
11    Victoria Sampler, Christmas Humbug -- started for her contest
12    Just Nan, Black Magic
13    Faberge Egg, Teal Egg with Purple and Gold Crest;  have series of 12, about 3-4 completed
14    Xs and Ohs, Gospel Acronyms, F.R.O.G - Fully Relying on God
15    Mill Hill, Charmed Mitten, Angel Heart
16    Textile Heritage Collection, Damask Rose bookmark
17    Stitch Your Heart Out (SYHO series), Rosewood Manor, My Two Ducks - that alphabet!
18    Plum Pudding Needleart, Christmas Sampler in Red - done ON Lakeside Linen Renaissance Red  w/Belle Soie Icing
19    DebBee's Designs, Glitz and Glamour, Sapphire
20    The Drawn Thread, Give PEACE a Chance
21    Sampler & Antique Needlework Quartely, Album (Lauren Sauer?)
22    Lavender and Lace, Santa (exact title??)
23    Designs for Learning, Linda Barry, Elizabethan Treasures
24    Sekas, Watercolour Ornaments I
25    DebBee's Designs, Books of the Bible
26    The Queen Stitch, Blackberry Tuffet and Fob
27    Teresa Wentzler, Noah's Ark Sampler (no picture yet - not sure where the project is)
28    Erica Michaels - Stitcher's Surprise (no picture yet)
29    EGA - GCC - Cleopatra's Cat (no picture yet)
30    Dawn Lewis Bands of Silk and Gold
31    Threads Through Time - Mermaid Sampler (on silk gauze)

 So what's in your stash? What would encourage you to finish it, pass it along, or declare it an experiment that didn't work? 

1 comment:

  1. When I first saw your list of UFO's I thought that's a lot of UFO's but when I went through the photos you've got such a great start on most all of them. I bet you'll be able to finish more than 12 this year! I stitched the Lavander and Lace Santa many years ago. He's beautiful and you'll love him when he's finished. I framed mine in an oval frame like in the photo. That was when you could go to a craft store and buy really nice frames. Have fun stitching!
